House Rewiring in Wigan

house rewiring in wigan
Rewiring in Wigan

Need your house rewiring in Wigan?

Your home’s electrical system is its lifeblood. If you’re in Wigan and in need of professional house rewiring services, you’re in the right place.

Our team of skilled electricians specialises in rewiring homes, ensuring they meet the latest safety standards and provide reliable, uninterrupted power. We understand the importance of a well-functioning electrical system in your home.

With our expertise, we’ll revamp your electrical infrastructure, providing peace of mind and a safer, more efficient home. Don’t compromise on safety; choose us for your house rewiring needs in Wigan.

Contact us today for a consultation. Your home deserves the best, and we’re here to deliver it.

House Rewiring in Wigan and Greater Manchester

If you’re looking for a free estimate to see how much having your house rewired would cost, look no further, GHE Electrical can provide free, no obligation written quotations. 

Maybe you’ve just bought a new house and you’re aware the electrical wiring needs to be inspected and tested for faults. If you’re asking yourself “I wonder how much it’ll cost to get my house rewired?” give us a call and we’ll be happy to help. 

Rewiring your house can be a major job but we’ll make sure to do our best to keep any disruption to a minimum. Before we start any rewiring, our qualified electricians will discuss and advise what to expect whilst we’re carrying out any work. 

Our electricians in Wigan come highly recommended and are highly qualified to carry out a range of electrical services, including a full rewiring of your house.

If you’re a homeowner and want to safeguard your property for years to come, read more about our house rewiring in Wigan below.

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Wigan house rewiring: What to expect

Electrical cables run under your flooring and through the walls, so rewiring might require the flooring to be lifted and walls may need to be drilled into, making it quite a disruptive and considerably messy job.

Our house rewiring in Wigan includes:

  • Installing new cabling
  • Fitting new back boxes on switches and sockets
  • Rewiring TV aerial and telephone sockets
  • Rewiring lighting and power circuits
  • Adding or moving sockets, lights and switches if requested

House rewiring usually consists of two stages:

First stage – wiring, cabling, circuits and back boxes are replaced

Second stage – light fittings, faceplates, sockets and switches are installed.

Reasons to rewire

Rewiring your home makes sure your electrics are safe, compliant with regulations and future-proof.

One of the most important responsibilities that comes with being a landlord or homeowner is maintaining the condition of the electrics in the property. Faulty or unsafe electrics can cause injuries and pose a serious fire hazard. It’s essential you keep an eye on the age and condition of your electrics so that you an spot any potential problems before they become a danger.

Paying for a full electrical rewire might not seem like the most exciting investment you’ll ever make, but it has substantial benefits and it’ll keep you, your family and your property safe.

It can also increase the value of your property!

Rewiring For Older Properties

Older properties usually use an older style of wiring. In average homes today you’ll find an array of different appliances and electronics which can pose a fire risk with older wiring. 

Faulty and old wiring can cause your electrics to trip or blow fuses. You’re also more likely to get electric shocks from older wiring. 

If you have any concerns about the quality of the wiring in your house or if you think that some wiring work has been carried out but isn’t up to standard, you could be in serious risk of fire or other issues. 

If you’re thinking about purchasing a new property, it’s always best to check the wiring before purchase. Our team of experienced electricians in Wigan can come and have a look at the wiring and advise if a house rewiring is needed. 

Modern rewiring normally includes replacing the fuse box with an updated unit as well as changing the rewiring to modern variants.

house rewire wigan

Does my house need Rewiring?

Sometimes it doesn’t matter if your wiring is old. Older wiring may not necessarily be unsafe but there is an increased risk of wear and tear compared to modern wiring. Wear and tear will also depend on a number of other factors such as the material the wiring is made from. 

The good thing about rewiring your property isn’t just that your wiring will be up to date, you can also decide whether or not to add more outlets for your electronics and appliances, as well as more switches.

house rewiring

Signs You Need Your House Rewiring

You may need to carry out electrical rewiring for your property if your electrics are tripping frequently or if you’re getting electric shocks from outlets or cables. Other signs can include dimming lights that flicker regularly or funny smells such as burning or ‘fishy’ smells. 

Another sign that you need your house in Wigan rewiring is that your wiring is made from aluminium. If you suspect that it is, you can check the wiring jacket for ‘AL’. This type of wiring can put you at risk of serious injury and will need replacing as soon as possible. 

Having discoloured switches and sockets can also be one of the signs of needing a full house rewiring. The most common reason for discoloured outlets is faulty wiring with loose connections that causes arcing, this leads to sparking and discolouration. 

If you suspect that your current wiring was a DIY job carried out by the previous owner, you should definitely consider having your house rewired. DIY work can be dangerous and can lead to fires and damaged appliances. 

If you think unsafe rewiring has been carried out on your property, please contact our electricians immediately and we will come and have a look and put your mind at rest. We can advise what route of action to take and offer solutions.

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