Emergency lighting and how it works

emergency lighting

Emergency lighting and how it works

Imagine you’re in a busy office building, going about your daily tasks when suddenly, the power cuts out. Darkness envelops the space around you and panic starts to set in. But wait…as if by magic, emergency lights flicker on, guiding you and everyone around you safely towards the nearest exit. 

This scenario highlights the crucial role of emergency lighting in ensuring our safety during unforeseen situations. In the UK, it’s not just recommended – it’s a legal requirement for all occupied buildings to have adequate emergency lighting systems in place. 

Emergency lighting is more than just a backup plan; it’s a lifeline that provides light when normal lighting fails due to power outages or emergencies like fires or evacuations. 

In this blog post we’ll focus on what emergency lighting is and how it works.

What is emergency lighting?

Emergency lighting is designed and strategically placed to automatically activate when normal lighting fails, guiding people to exits and ensuring safe evacuation. But in addition to helping people navigate through the dark or smoke-filled environments, emergency lighting can also help emergency responders to locate and assist those in need. 

One key aspect of emergency lighting is its reliability and durability, as it must be able to function in high-stress situations without fail. Advances in technology have led to more energy-efficient and long-lasting emergency lighting solutions, reducing maintenance needs and improving overall safety.

Proper installation and regular testing are essential for ensuring that emergency lighting systems remain effective when needed most, underscoring the importance of routine maintenance protocols for building owners and managers.

Emergency lighting for escape routes

Emergency lighting for escape routes plays a crucial role in ensuring quick and safe evacuations. Beyond providing visibility, these lights are designed to withstand power outages and continue functioning autonomously. By strategically placing them along escape paths, building occupants can easily navigate through unfamiliar surroundings under stressful conditions. 

With bright illumination piercing through the darkness, they provide a sense of security and direction amidst chaos.

Escape routes must be lit by at least one light during an emergency evacuation. If the escape route is a corridor, it has to be free of any obstructions that could slow down the evacuation.

Emergency lighting for stairwells

In stairwells where visibility is very limited, emergency lighting helps to prevent panic and confusion. Because of this, there has to be at least two emergency lights covering this area.

By strategically placing emergency lights at regular intervals along stairwells, building managers can create a clear path for people to follow during emergencies. 

Investing in high-quality emergency lighting for stairwells not only meets safety regulations but also provides peace of mind knowing that the people using your building can evacuate safely during unexpected crises. 

Emergency lighting for an open area

If the open space isn’t bigger than 60 square metres, emergency lighting is not required, however, emergency exit doors still need to have emergency lighting above them in order to guide people out of the building safely.

Benefits of LED Emergency Lights

LED emergency lights offer a range of benefits that make them a must-have. One key advantage is their energy efficiency, allowing them to last longer during emergencies. Additionally, LED lights are known for their durability and reliability, making the ideal for situations where a reliable light source is crucial.

LED emergency lights provide brighter and more focused lighting compared to other types of emergency lighting. This makes them especially useful in situations where visibility is limited or in need of immediate attention. With their long lifespan and low maintenance requirements, LED emergency lights are a practical and cost-effective choice.

Emergency lighting maintenance and testing

Keeping emergency lighting systems well-maintained and regularly tested is crucial for ensuring the safety of the people inside your building during unforeseen situations. One important aspect of maintenance is conducting regular visual inspections to check for any visible damage or signs of wear on the fixtures and batteries. It’s essential to perform functional tests by simulating a power outage to verify that the emergency lights automatically turn on and operate as intended. 

To maintain optimal performance, scheduled testing should be conducted at least once a month to confirm that all components are functioning correctly. It’s recommended to keep detailed records of maintenance and testing procedures performed, as this can help in tracking any potential issues over time. 

By staying proactive in attending to the maintenance needs of your emergency lighting systems, you can ensure the reliability and compliance with safety regulations, providing peace of mind to both yourself and the people that use your building. 

Stay Prepared with Reliable Emergency Lighting

In conclusion, having reliable emergency lighting is crucial for staying prepared in unexpected situations. Whether it’s a power outage, fire or natural disaster, having proper lighting can make all the difference in maintaining safety and comfort. Investing in high-quality and long-lasting emergency lighting will ensure you’re ready for any scenario.

Remember to check and maintain your emergency lighting regularly to guarantee it functions effectively when needed most. Don’t wait until it’s too late – stay prepared. 

Never be left in the dark again!

When it comes to emergency lighting installations, the team at GHE are your go-to providers. Our team of experienced technicians ensure that every system we install is perfect for your specific needs and requirements. We understand the critical nature of emergency lighting and work diligently to provide reliable and efficient solutions for our clients. 

With GHE, you can be assured that your emergency lighting system will be installed with precision and attention to detail. We prioritise safety above all else, ensuring that every installation meets the highest standards and regulations. 

Our team is always available to provide ongoing maintenance and support. Visit our emergency lighting page to find out more or contact us for a quote.